Friday, October 23, 2009

For all the folks, talking heads, financial analysts, etc. that say this market MUST go up because those investment advisors that have not been in the market over the last 5 month MUST play catch-up before the year end performance figures are released (the whole "Alpha") thing, I say this:

Jump in, baby. If you are so shallow and are such a lemming that you will park your commonsense and jump into an overpriced market and bid that market up to even more over-priced levels, do it soon.

This will be nothing more than an even more sure-thing short opportunity for folks like me. What would make you jump into a bidding war over over-priced stocks with increasing unemployment and a devalued dollar (no, exports wont save you...we don't make much anymore) just to chase "Alpha"?

Should you choose to do this, you are not acting in a fiduciary manner for your clients but rather only in your own best interest.

Friends, ask your investment advisor about this before you get another "portfolio re-balance" at just the wrong time.