Wednesday, October 21, 2009

If you have been following the show, we have discussed poverty. Poverty is not something that needs to be studied or analyzed. The minute you do nothing or create nothing or do not improve your thinking ability, you have ceased creating value and you are poorer. Poor is the natural state of being. Success, productivity, personal improvement are all things that must be studied as you must do something to achieve these things. Do nothing and you are poor.

This also relates to our jobs, our community and our country. At what point do each of us say that voluntarily contributing to charities around the country and the world is good but voluntarily redistributing our wealth to others or other countries through a single payer healthcare system, "Cap and Trade" or the newly proposed "Copenhagen" treaties is bad? Do we want to voluntarily make us more poor? Do we want our poor to become more poor while we enrich the world with wealth redistribution and pollution reparations?

Your voice must be heard. Whatever your position, write your congressmen. A handwritten letter is thought to represent 15-25,000 voters. Make your letters count. But first, please understand the issues. There is nothing we can do to help you invest better if the national economy is in the dumper. You must understand the world that is coming before you can protect what you have and improve your purchasing power.

More on Thursday's show including a discussion of personal property rights.